Home Disclosure Compliance report for the month of September 2021

Compliance report for the month of September 2021


Format of Disclosure of Grievance Details by the Publishers

(by the 10th of every month)

Compliance report for the month of September 2021

Sl. No. Grievances and actions taken Number NIL
1 Grievances pending at the beginning of the month NIL
2 Grievances received during the month NIL
3 Grievances disposed out of (1) above NIL
4 Grievances disposed out of (2) above NIL
5 Grievances pending at the end of the month (1+2-3-4) NIL
6 Classification of grievances disposed NIL
6(a) Grievances not related to Code of Ethics NIL
6(b) Grievances related to Code of Ethics: NIL
  (i) Agreed to by the publisher and action taken NIL
  (ii) Not agreed to by the publisher NIL
  (iii) Any other action taken NIL
7 Orders, directions and advisories received from Central Government and Self regulatory Bodies NIL
7(a) Number of Orders, directions and advisories received NIL
7(b) Orders, directions and advisories complied to NIL



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